Friday, January 6, 2012

Wednesday's Workout - Full Body PACK Session w/ Erika

After a somewhat relaxed workout day yesterday, I really turned it on today, and I'm not done yet.  Still to come tonight will be another run with my run buddy that you hopefully met yesterday or this morning.

I got started a little later today than I thought I would, but lucked into a session working with some great clients (thanks Sheila R. and Cindy F.).  Erika was our trainer today and she put a beating on us.  The ladies were running smooth throughout but I forgot to pace myself.  Again, I worked to hard to remember to count repetitions for you guys, but I did remember to wear my heart rate monitor for a more accurate number of calories burned.  It went a little haywire during the workout and read out 0 bpm for my heart rate, but I still managed to record 698 calories burned with the PACK Session and a little bit of boxing afterward. 

Anyway, that's enough chit chatting.... here is what we worked on during our PACK Session:

Our concentration today was to focus on multi-joint combination movements.  We of course did our Warm Up, then ran through 2 circuits.  First Circuit focused slightly more on strength and the second Circuit slightly more focused on conditioning.  Core rounded out the end of the workout portion and always finish with cool down and stretch.

Warm Up - Foam Rolling for Glutes, Quads, IT Band;  Jumping Jacks for 30 seconds; High Knee Jog; Butt Kick Jog

Circuit 1 - 2 Rotations of 1 minute for as many Repetitions as Possible

Hip Raise and Chest Flye using 20lb DBs;  Burpee w/ Push Up and Shoulder Press using 15lb DBs;  Straight Leg Deadlift w/ Biceps Curl using 30lb DBs

Circuit 2 - 2 Rotations of 2 minute for as many Repetitions as Possible

Kettle Bell Swing using 35lb Kettle Bell;  Push Up w/ Rotation to Star Position;  Slam, Squat, and Toss using 10lb Slam Ball

Claire Snuck in for some pictures for Circuit 2... Here they are:

Core - 1 Round of 1 minute for as many Repetitions as Possible

Sit Up to Stand Up w/ BOSU Ball;  Plank w/ Alternating Medicine Ball Roll;  Single Arm DB Sit Up using 20lb DB

Claire poked her head in for some Core Pictures as well:

Well, that is it until Clubber and I run tonight.  The next PACK Session for Friday is "Trainer's Choice", so I might have to take tomorrow off in preparation for Claire or Erika destroying me.  Either way I will post something entertaining for you guys.

As always if you have any questions or comments just post them and I will let you know whatever you need.

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